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Giving at St Andrew's

How can I give?

Here at St Andrew's, we are excited about the work we do in our communities helping people discover life in Jesus. We are so grateful for the generosity of people who already give to the work we do that enable us to bring practical and spiritual help to so many. Whilst we are more than happy to accept any gifts you may wish to give us, we are most keen to receive regular gifts as this enables us to plan ahead.

Regular giving helps us because:

• Cash flow improves as we can claim back Gift Aid regularly throughout the year rather than waiting for the year end

• Many of our expenses are monthly – so regular giving means we can meet our liabilities as they arise instead of having dips and peaks in our income

• It allows us to plan much more effectively for what we will be able to afford in the future.


Our preferred method of giving is the Parish Giving scheme (PGS). Click here to go to the PGS website.


Parish Giving Scheme at St Andrew’s Church

We are members of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) which provides the simplest and most secure way for everyone to give to our church. By making a gift through PGS, they manage all the admin on our behalf, which makes a big difference to the church staff and volunteers.


To set up a regular or one-off gift online click here.


When you set up a regular gift by Direct Debit with PGS, you can choose the frequency and amount of your gift and opt in to Gift Aid, if you are eligible. Through Gift Aid, we receive an extra 25p for every pound you give which makes a significant impact across the year.


There’s also an option for you to increase your gift annually, with the peace of mind that you can adjust your gift at any time. One of the most important aspects of our choice to partner PGS to process gifts on behalf of this church, is that the giver always remains in control.


The quickest and easiest way to set up and manage your regular gift is online, through the PGS website.


It is also possible to make a one-off gift online, using a debit or credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.


If you’re not connected to the internet, don’t worry. You can set up your regular gift by phoning the PGS team on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9-5, or completing a paper gift form.


If you’d like to know more, please get in touch with Alison in the office or you can watch a short video by using this link.


Weekly Envelope Giving Scheme

If you would like to donate weekly, we are able to provide you with a set of envelopes where you can place your gift and place it into the basket on your arrival at church. If you would like to give in this way, please contact Alison in the office. 


Easy Fundraising

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for St Andrew's Church GWP with easyfundraising?
There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
1. Click here and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the brand will make a donation to St Andrew's Church GWP at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and St Andrew's Church GWP will be really grateful for your donations.

Giving on a Sunday

The tax man allows us to claim Small Gift Aid Relief (at the normal gift aid rate of 20%) on anonymous cash donations less than £30. If you are a tax payer please put your gift into one of the yellow gift aid envelopes and fill in your details on the back – this will enable us to claim tax back on your gift regardless of the size and whether or not you have given by cheque or cash.

You can also give electronically by using one of our card machines. If you would like to give by card, please speak to one of the Welcome Team who will be pleased to help you.

Charities Aid Foundation Scheme

Please see for more information.

Employer's Payroll Giving Scheme 

Some employers operate a matching scheme – they will match what you give to a charity. Some companies restrict the type of charity, others the value they will give up to. This only applies if your employer runs such a scheme – your Human Resources department can provide details on this.

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