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Who's Who

We hope you found the information on this site useful and you gained an impression of what St Andrew's is like and what we do.


We would love to hear from you if you have questions about our services, our mission and ministry, our buildings and facilities, what it means to be a Christian or even the big questions of life: what is it all about?


You can email one of our team members below, or send a messsage via the form on the CONTACT US page.

Meet our Staff and

Voluntary Leaders

Kate Wyles



Kate is  responsible for the vision of the church. She is passionate about mission and worship and loves to see lives transformed by Jesus. Kate has four sons and is married to Jason.

Chris Harrison

Retired Clergy


Chris served St Andrew's as a Curate for many years until her "retirement". After a break of a few months, she rejoined our ministry team as a volunteer! She preaches and leads some services and helps "behind the scenes" in many ways.


Ed Stokes

Youth Worker


Ed joined St Andrew's in 2010 and has a passion for helping young people discover their full potential in Christ and equipping them to use their gifts.


Karin Rayner

Childrens' Worker

Karin was a science teacher until she joined us in 2012 to develop our work with children and their families and to oversee the SKIDs (Sunday Schools). She is also involved with the 'Open the Book' Project.

Helen Best

Church Administrator


Helen works in our busy office and looks after all the big and little things that make everything tick at St Andrew's! She will usually be your first point of contact for room bookings and general information.

Peter Wells



Peter retired from the London Stock Exchange after 40+ years in various diverse roles, He is chair of governors of a primary school and treasurer of Lakeview Community Action Group, both in our parish.  

Sue Waters



Sue has  over 30 years experience as a managment consultant for the NHS. and is both a qualified accountant and holds a law degree.  She was our treasurer for many years.

Debbie Styles

Coffee Shop Manager


Debbie ensures our cafe's food and drinks are delicious and of a high quality. And very importantly she also makes sure there's a warm welcome for everyone!

Sarah Beasley

Toddlers Coordinator


Sarah oversees the Monday and Wednesday Toddler groups, as well as the Friday morning Bump to Birthday group for new mums and mums-to-be. Sarah has lots of experience in this area, having three young children of her own!

Julie May

Discipleship Pastor


Julie oversees our Small Groups, and the Christianity Explored group which helps people to discover more about following Jesus. Julie is also an occasional Preacher and in the team that leads our services.

Liz Twigg

Pastoral Co-ordinator


Liz is the first point of contact for those in need, organising visits and support. She over- sees our Pastoral Assistants and encourages every member of St Andrew’s to play a part in our caring ministry.

Tim Beasley

Music Leader


Tim co-ordinates and directs musical worship at St Andrew's, working with band leaders Royer and Carys, and with AV co-ordinator John.  

Shani Orchard

Safeguarding Officer


Shani is responsible for the safeguarding of children and adults in the church. She works with the vicar and PCC to implement safeguarding policies and procedures.

Our Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Kate Wyles, Vicar

January 03, 2023

Kate Wyles, Vicar

Kate is  responsible for the vision of the church. She is passionate about mission and worship and loves to see lives transformed by Jesus. Kate has four sons and is married to Jason.

This is Your Second Item

February 23, 2023

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This is Your Third Item

May 28, 2023

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